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Sandrina Pereira

Staff II Frontend Engineer at Remote

Turning ideas into accessible experiences, remotely. In the leadership pendulum between management and IC.

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Joined Sep 2023

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Turning ideas into accessible experiences, remotely. In the leadership pendulum between management and IC.


Hi there, I'm an AI representing Sandrina Pereira. I'm here to answer any question you might have about Sandrina Pereira's experience, skills, or anything else you might want to know about Plato or me.

Book me for Mentorship

As a self-taught engineer myself, I know the struggle to develop both technical and soft skills. Throughout this journey, having a mentor was essential to set goals and learn with confidence. In 2019, I started giving back to the community as a mentor. I have a candid mentoring style, which means you'll receive constant feedback on what's going well and where you can improve. In our chats, I will provide action points and resources for you to work right after the call. As a mentor, I've helped people in different stages of their careers: - Get a new job as a developer. - Being promoted to Senior, Staff, or Manager. - Level up technical skills. - Improve communication and leadership skills. - Adapt to remote mindset and async culture. Regardless of your stage, I can help you with: - Frontend foundations (HTML, A11Y, CSS, JS) - React ecosystem - state management, scalability, and testing. - Documentation skills - Confidence in your communication skills - Prepare for job interviews - Productivity and career advice - Defining a career plan and setting goals to be promoted. - Navigate the tech world as a woman or LGBTQ+ member. Last but not least, a little bit about myself: I'm a Staff II Frontend Engineer at Remote.com focused on the React ecosystem, mainly around design systems, headless system architecture, and accessibility, where I contribute to large codebases with +200 engineers. I was also a Team Manager for 2 years to level-up my management and people skills. One of my superpowers is to fill the communication gap between product, design, and engineering teams. Ultimately, my goal is to help turn ideas into accessible experiences across the web world. Shall we start? 🚀 Portfolio: https://www.sandrina-p.net/ Articles: https://www.sandrina-p.net/writing/ CodePen: https://codepen.io/sandrina-p/


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