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Abhinav singh

Cybersecurity Research & Leadership | ex-AWS, ex-Netskope at Normalyze

Cybersecurity research, development, speaking and Leadership

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Joined Jun 2021

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Cybersecurity research, development, speaking and Leadership


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I'm an experienced security professional, currently heading all aspects of Cloud Security research, Product Security and Compliance for Normalyze. I'm passionate about building secure transformation of business onto the cloud. I previously worked as a consultant/advisor at Amazon Web Services (AWS), where I was the founding consultant/advisor of the security team, working closely with AWS's top 20 strategic customers, solving their most challenging cloud security problems. In my free time, I'm an avid mentor and volunteer at Plato, helping to bridge the gap between education and employment. You can also find me speaking and running workshops at International conferences like Blackhat, RSA, OWASP, DEF CON etc.


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