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Anil Can Baykal

CTO at kfzteile24

Engineer, Founder and Ardent Learner

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Joined Jul 2023

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Engineer, Founder and Ardent Learner


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I work as theCTO at Kfzteile24, shaping the company’s product and technology strategy to support the business. I have consulted the company as a senior software architect in 2020, providing me with valuable insights for my current role. I am responsible for continuously improving the many tech components driving Kfzteile24, including the eCommerce platform, logistic platform, omnichannel management, and ERP. Clear accountability and candor are two principles, among others, I live by. I was born in Turkey, studied Applied Mathematics and Computer science in France, and hold a Master's Degree in Distributed Computation. I founded a mobile payment company in Turkey and led it as CTO. He moved to Germany in 2016, working on FinTech companies as CTO and leading the Tech at finleap. I am married and the proud father of a 4-year-old. I play volleyball in the 3rd regional division in Berlin and train occasionally with the Berlin International Rugby Club.


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