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Chris Lewis

Senior Director, Applications Development at Broadridge Fund Communication Solutions

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Joined Nov 2022

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I'm a senior engineering leader and also a certified coach. I can particularly help people who are in the early stage of their career, either as individual contributors or new leaders and looking for general advice, or also mid-level managers who are perhaps transitioning into that senior manager/director level role. I have worked in the fintech (software development) space for 15 years, starting as a developer, moving into higher management roles over time. My current line of responsibility is around 50 heads. I have worked for companies of varying sizes, global footprints, B2B as well as B2C and regulatory frameworks - primarily financial services - insurance, investment/wealth and leasing services. I've managed many different teams over the years and have myself benefitted from coaching and mentorship so am keen to help others where possible. I am keen to champion DEI within engineering.


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