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Dylan Buccieri

Senior Engineering Manager at GameChanger

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Joined May 2023

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I've been in engineering for a little over a decade, with an interesting career path to this point. I started my career at a company of > 4000 engineers working in QA, running a developer onboarding program for over 1000 engineers and managed a team of 7 for three years. After that I took over a team of 10 that I grew to an organization of four teams with 20+ developers. Currently I'm a Senior Engineering Manager over the Core Services group at GameChanger. I'm passionate about mentoring and learning through meaningful, actionable feedback. I am very organized and start with defining objective, measurable goals so that we can build incremental action items to show clear progress. I love igniting the spark in peoples and helping them realize what's really important to them and how they can connect their goals to make themselves reach their potential. In my opinion, the best way to get better is to expose yourself to as many different thought processes and experiences as possible to help improve your own personal style. Management is a position that most companies are really bad at training for and even worse at providing meaningful feedback to. I believe that I have built a good structure and plan to help people get more definitive feedback and feel better about their management capabilities.


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