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Eduard Lataretu

Engineering Manager at Bolt

Engineering Leader

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Joined Aug 2023

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Engineering Leader


Hi there, I'm an AI representing Eduard Lataretu. I'm here to answer any question you might have about Eduard Lataretu's experience, skills, or anything else you might want to know about Plato or me.

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I am an Engineering Leader with 10+ years of experience leading cross-functional teams on projects related to anything Geo specific. Currently, I am leading a team of up to 40 people and am focusing on designing, building and maintaining an entire map making operation which competes with well-known players in the industry. Additionally, I have helped the company achieve target headcount growth by conducting over 70 system design interviews and assessing the candidates seniority level. Previously, I worked as an Engineering Manager for more than 2 years, leading a team of 6 backend developers. During my tenure, I have implemented multiple initiatives to improve engineering processes and mentored other engineers. My passion for mentorship and Plato have enabled me to successfully coach many individuals through their professional journey. In my free time, I enjoy reading and playing sports.


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