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Ferenc Kun

Director of Engineering at LastPass

Mentoring and coaching the next generation of leaders I Running high performant organization

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Joined Jan 2023

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My credo of mentoring. - I strongly believe, together we can always reach a useful and meaningful outcome that will help you move forward. - Collaboration based on undivided attention turned to you is something I can garantee you. - We will work together on formulating you desired future, defining goals and finding your own way to get there. - All will be done with focusing on your own resources, because I belive that you have everything what it takes. - During the process I will try my best to provide you objective and constructive feedback. - I'm fully dedicated to walk the talk. I will speak from real life experience, and theory put into practice. - If you ask me, I will be sharing my thoughts and experiences honestly with you, that's my promise to you. Hi, my name is Ferenc Kun and I am currently Director of Engineering at LastPass, where I lead an organization of 45 people in total through my direct riports, the teams' engineering managers and working closely with the teams and their project managers, architects and scrum masters as well. I have technical background and I'm still close to technologies but not being on-hands anymore. My focuse shifted towards the people and processes of a fast growing organization. Throughout my carrier I went through many changes, challanges and situations which built a nice stack of experiences around multiple topics, mostly around people development, project management, defining vision and strategy, building new teams, and fostering culture and organization changes. I'm always eager to learn something and I feel that the most effective way to learn something every day as a manager is to talk with people, listen to them and brainstorm together as much as possible. Being always curious about what drives people, changes, decisions and actions is definetly my operation model.


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