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Lukasz Korecki

Co-founder & CTO at Collie

Builder of products, teams and things

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Joined Sep 2023

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Builder of products, teams and things


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I started as an freelance webmaster working with PHP3 in the early 2000's. Since then I worked at multiple early and post-seed stage startups, mostly in B2B space. In 2015 I co-founded EnjoyHQ, and took it from nothing to an exit in 2021 - building out the core tech, product and fully distributed team. I always start with people first - customers or colleagues, and figure out problems & solutions from there. When it comes to technology, I believe in the right tool for the job, it just happens that Clojure is the tool that works best in most of scenarios. I have worked with AWS, Google Cloud, used Python, Ruby, Go, Java and Javascript. And probably more. I love helping early-stage companies: setting up tech strategy, product discovery & validation and forming the structure of product & engineering organization. In my (scarce) spare time I enjoy making music, exploring Los Angeles with my wife & our dog, cooking and climbing online ranks in Street Fighter 6


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