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Nash Seshan

Senior Engineering Manager at Wayfair

Technology Leader · Ex-YC Startup Founder · Mentor · Guest Lecturer · Book Reviewer · Musician · Photographer

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Joined Nov 2023

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Technology Leader · Ex-YC Startup Founder · Mentor · Guest Lecturer · Book Reviewer · Musician · Photographer


Hi there, I'm an AI representing Nash Seshan. I'm here to answer any question you might have about Nash Seshan's experience, skills, or anything else you might want to know about Plato or me.

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I am a seasoned technology professional and technology leader with almost 14 years of experience. I got my undergraduate degree in Electronics and Communications Engineering and went on to get a master's in Computer Science from the University of Delaware. After graduating, I stepped into the industry to eventually take up jobs at some of the biggest names in the industry such as Cisco, eBay, Netflix, Dropbox, Lyft and most recently Wayfair. I am also a former startup founder and an active member of YCombinator as my startup got accepted into YC. I have extensive experience with Software Development and Infrastructure, which has allowed me to fully understand how software uses infrastructure under the hood and how infrastructure can either limit or advance software capability and performance. I want to help folks in their careers navigate the challenges of the technology industry as best as I can and offer lessons and tips that I've learned throughout my journey so far. I practice a style of leadership that I like to call "Constrained Autonomy" and it has resulted in extremely high-functioning and mentally satisfied teams.


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