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Noah Daniels

Director Software Engineering at Procore

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Joined Nov 2022

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I'm passionate about mentoring and helping people grow and have been fortunate enough to work in a wide variety of roles over the years which has allowed me to gain a lot of experiences that I now want to share with others. I get a tremendous amount of satisfaction out of helping others grow and asked a few of past mentees to share their experience to give you some insight into how I operate. "Noah mentored me in my transition from an individual contributor to a manager. This transition is scary and full of uncertainty, because the roles are so different! Noah set me up for success in this transition. He helped me set a vision and mission for my new team, implement scrum practices, set roadmaps, and practice my leadership skills. He was available for questions when I didn't know what to do (which happened often) and led by educating and guiding, not instructing and telling" - Ish Walia, EM@Procore "As my direct manager, Noah mentored me through two very important phases in my career; first, when I transitioned into management as part of a growing team, and later, when I transitioned back to a technical individual contributor role to follow my personal interests. Noah always provided thoughtful guidance, encouragement, and enough space to allow me to succeed (and sometimes fail) on my own. His passion for working with and helping others succeed is contagious, and I have no doubt Noah will continue to be an inspiration and mentor throughout his career." - Gregory St. Clair, Architect @Arthrex


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