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RJ Zaworski

ex-VP of Engineering at Fountain

Hands-on technical leader

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Joined Aug 2023

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Hands-on technical leader


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VP of Engineering. I ship products in education, operations, and developer experience while growing the teams that build them. Over two decades engineering and leading across large enterprises (Hewlett-Packard), early-stage startups (Koan) and all stops in between, I’ve collected a few good lessons about: - scaling organizations and software systems - team alignment, engagement, and morale - implementing compliance and security programs (SOC2/ISO27001/etc) - roadmapping/planning and execution - operations, reliability, automation, and continuous improvement Those lessons have turned into ETL pipelines, web interfaces, and everything in between—sometimes working directly in TypeScript and Go; lately refining metrics and charters that empower teams to get things done. Technology is a lever. How it's used? That's for each of us to decide. But if you’re looking to apply it to meaningful problems (I bet you are), I'd love to connect!


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