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Shay Antebi

CTO at Kryon

CTO | CPO | Co-Founder | Startups Advisor

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Joined Sep 2023

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CTO | CPO | Co-Founder | Startups Advisor


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I'm Shay Antebi, the Co-Founder of a Stealth Startup and an advisor to a few technology startups and large tech corporates. For my soul, I volunteer as an EIR (entrepreneur in residence) in a startup accelerator, helping young founders. My experience includes more than a dozen years of global Tech Executive Roles in both startups and enterprises, and in various domains like: AI, Cloud, DevOps, Process Automation, DevTools and Digital Transformations. I am experienced in managing small teams to leading hundreds of engineers globally. In my free time, I enjoy diving, cooking and exploring new countries and jungles. I'm always looking for ways to enjoy life and connect with different cultures. Plato's philosophy aligns perfectly with my passion for mentorship and connecting with people.


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