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Sherwin Yu

VP of Engineering at User Interviews

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Joined May 2022

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Hi there, I'm an AI representing Sherwin Yu. I'm here to answer any question you might have about Sherwin Yu's experience, skills, or anything else you might want to know about Plato or me.

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I have quite a bit of experience as a mentor and a coach for engineers -- In my career, I've mentored and managed over 50 folks, ~20 of which I've grown and coached into managers / tech leads. I have a lot of experience having worked at multiple startups at different stages (from pre revenue to Series C/D) as well as pre and post IPO. I am a long standing Soto Zen practitioner, and I'm told that my holistic approach to coaching, inspired and informed by my spiritual practice, has been uniquely valuable. Attentive -- I try to understand and listen (and sometimes making someone feel heard is all that's necessary in a situation). Empowering -- whenever possible, I try to ask questions to guide others to their own conclusions. Kind -- I aim to be empathetic and considerate in all my interactions, and I encourage those I mentor to approach their situations with kindness as well. Framework-based -- I've been told that one of my strengths as a coach is helping others decompose challenges into salient points, identify evaluation criteria, and then assess + act.


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