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Zhenzhong Xu

VP, Engineering at Claypot AI

VP, Engineering at Voltron Data | coach & motorcycle racer

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Joined May 2020

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VP, Engineering at Voltron Data | coach & motorcycle racer


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Hi, my name is Zhenzhong (Z) Xu. I specialize in early-stage team building and 0-1 product engineering executions. I am currently trying to gain expertise in early startup Product Market Fit validation and founder-led sales. Currently, I serve as the Co-founder and CTO of Claypot AI, leading engineering execution and technical strategies for a real-time ML platform product. Claypot is my first venture as a startup founder. I find it immensely rewarding to help companies leverage fresh data for making real-time decisions, bridging the gap between ML and Data infrastructure. In my previous roles, I had achieved several notable accomplishments: From 2015 to 2021, I built Netflix’s Real-time Data Infrastructure from scratch and scaled business impact to handle over 2000 internal use cases, processing petabytes of data per day scale (amounting to 10s of trillions of events). Between 2012 and 2015, I developed the resilience kernel of the Microsoft Azure data center management system, contributing to its scalability to 500,000 servers during the early days of cloud computing. From 2007 to 2012, I built the distributed processing pipeline for MSN/Bing Video, positioning it as a competitor to YouTube. Aside from my engineering expertise, I have a strong passion for coaching and leading teams. I draw inspiration from the coaching style of Bill Campell, and I take great joy in witnessing the growth of individuals and teams, knowing that it will ultimately drive positive business results. Outside of work, I enjoy racing motorcycles on the track. For me, it’s an ongoing pursuit of balancing calculated risks and pushing the boundaries.


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