
Managing Remote Teams: Best Practices for Engineering Leaders

Ringo Tsang



In this article, we will discuss best practices for engineering leaders to effectively manage remote teams. We will cover communication tools, collaboration techniques, and fostering a sense of connection and engagement. We will also explore the challenges of managing a team while on leave and the impact on career growth.

Managing Remote Teams

Communication Tools

"It's crazy. It's a lot of fun. It's not a lot of sleep. It's Yeah. Kinda everything... Everybody says this, you know." - Matt Brunner

When managing remote teams, effective communication is crucial. Utilizing the right tools can help facilitate seamless communication and collaboration. It is important to choose tools that enable real-time communication, such as Slack or Microsoft Teams, for quick updates and discussions. Additionally, video conferencing tools like Zoom or Google Meet can be used for more in-depth conversations and team meetings.

Collaboration Techniques

"We're trying to do that. Trying to go downtown because we're in Campbell so we can just walk to downtown with him in the stroller and the outside. Or just go out for ice cream or just you know, bookstore. So... Yeah. Trying to get him exposed to stuff." - Matt Brunner

Encouraging collaboration among team members is essential for remote teams. Implementing agile methodologies, such as daily stand-ups and sprint planning, can help keep everyone aligned and accountable. Additionally, fostering a culture of knowledge sharing and cross-functional collaboration can enhance productivity and innovation within the team.

Fostering Connection and Engagement

"I I I minimized me off. Like, where I was a was a like a first-time father. It's crazy but... Yeah. Kinda of love it. Life-changing experience anyways." - Ringo Tsang

Building a sense of connection and engagement among remote team members is crucial for maintaining team morale and productivity. Regular virtual team-building activities, such as virtual happy hours or online games, can help foster a sense of camaraderie. Additionally, providing opportunities for personal check-ins and celebrating team achievements can contribute to a positive team culture.

Managing Teams While on Leave

Handing Over Responsibilities

"I was only gone for four weeks officially because I ended up working well, he was... He was in the hospital his first two weeks." - Matt Brunner

When going on leave, it is important to ensure a smooth transition of responsibilities. Communicate with your team members and identify a substitute manager who can take over your day-to-day tasks. Provide them with a clear understanding of team goals and expectations. Additionally, create a playbook or runbook that outlines key processes and procedures to handle any potential issues or emergencies.

Managing Career Growth

"It's a bit daunting for two reasons. One of them is managing the team. And the other one is personally for career growth, basically taking three months of a pause where I'm not growing and working towards promotion." - Matt Brunner

Taking a leave of absence can raise concerns about career growth. It is important to have open and transparent communication with your manager and the promotion committee, if applicable. Clearly outline your career goals and discuss how your leave will impact your growth trajectory. Ensure that you have a clear plan for resuming your career development upon your return.


Managing remote teams requires effective communication, collaboration, and fostering a sense of connection and engagement. When going on leave, it is crucial to hand over responsibilities and manage expectations for career growth. By implementing best practices and strategies, engineering leaders can successfully manage remote teams and ensure continued productivity and growth.

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