
Strategies for Balancing Technical Expertise and Leadership Skills

Versha Pradhan

Director of Engineering, Test at BlackLine Systems, Inc.



In this fast-paced software development environment where technologies are evolving and innovations are happening frequently, leaders need to keep up with the new trends to be able to provide a technical as well as strategic vision for their teams. In this article, we will explore techniques that leaders can use to maintain their technical proficiency while also developing their leadership abilities.

Continuous Learning

Invest in staying abreast with emerging technological advancements and leadership best practices. It's crucial to allocate time and resources for ongoing education and training because your technical expertise can quickly become out-dated. Consider attending conferences, enrolling in self-paced or instructor-led courses to enhance your technical knowledge while also focusing on leadership training.

Participate in Technical Discussions

Learn about the technology being used to implement the requirements. Go prepared for the meetings. Use your knowledge, analytical skills, and experience to evaluate if the design meets different requirements, like functional, non-functional, fault tolerance, security, testability, etc. This is another way to learn and plus add value.


Delegate technical tasks to aspiring and senior members of teams. One common mistake technical experts make while transitioning into leadership roles is attempting to maintain control over all technical aspects of their work. Effective leaders understand the importance of delegation. Delegate technical tasks to team members who are experts in those areas, allowing you to focus on higher-level leadership responsibilities, such as setting strategic direction, making key decisions, and managing the team's overall performance.

Create an Environment of Inclusion, Trust and Innovation

Effective leaders should create an environment that encourages innovation and experimentation. Combine your technical expertise with your leadership skills to identify opportunities for improvement and inspire your team to explore new ideas and solutions. Encourage a culture where failure is viewed as a learning opportunity rather than a taboo. Create an environment of trust and inclusion by being transparent and open about the projects and opportunities. Encourage cross-project discussions and reviews.

Create SMART Goals and Provide Guidance

Leaders must be adept at setting clear and measurable goals for themselves and their teams that align with the broader organizational goals. Use your technical expertise to identify key technical objectives, and set SMART goals for every team member and communicate effectively with your teams. SMART => Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time -based. Meet with the team members regularly to see how they are progressing on the set goals and provide guidance as needed. By doing so, you make sure that everyone has a clear direction, get the timely feedback and help to succeed.

Develop People Skills

Leadership is as much about people as it is about providing technical guidance. Developing soft skills such as effective communication, emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, and empathy is essential for successful leadership. Take the time to work on these skills through workshops, coaching, and feedback, as they will significantly impact your ability to lead and inspire your team.

Self-reflect and Be Open to Feedback

To be an effective leader, you have to embrace continuous improvement. It is essential as a leader that you self reflect, and it’s equally important to seek peer reflection. Asking your team for feedback on your leadership style and performance can be incredibly valuable. It enables you to better understand both yourself and your team. Use this feedback to refine your approach and become a more balanced leader.

Ask for Guidance

Experienced mentors can provide invaluable insights and guidance to help you navigate through the leadership challenges. Seek out mentors who have successfully gone through similar career paths and learn from their experiences. Use them to bounce your ideas and strategies. They can provide advice, share strategies, and offer a fresh perspective on your development as a leader.


Balancing technical expertise and leadership skills is a challenge that many leaders face. One can become a well balanced leader by staying proactive and investing in continuous learning of both technical and soft skills. It is important to remember that growth and improvement are ongoing processes, and with practice and reflection, one can continue to develop skills and excel in their roles.

Enjoy the journey! All the best!

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Versha Pradhan

Director of Engineering, Test at BlackLine Systems, Inc.

Engineering LeadershipLeadership DevelopmentCommunicationOrganizational StrategyDecision MakingCulture DevelopmentEngineering ManagementPerformance MetricsLeadership Training

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