
Women in Tech Private Circle (ROLE FILLED)

Cheryl Nowlan

Customer Success Team Lead at Plato

Commitment: ~5 hrs
Reward: $9000
Deadline to apply:Loading...(accepting late applications)

A 4 part circle for women in tech


The customer is keen to foster a strong community among their female-identified engineers, providing them with a platform to discuss important topics, view each other as valuable resources, and build the skills necessary to achieve their career aspirations.


This circle will consist of 4, one hour sessions, held every 3 weeks. The engineers range from those with 2-4 years of experience to seasoned professionals. The sessions should be highly interactive, minimizing traditional presentations in favor of engaging discussions and activities. The goal is to create a space where female engineers can connect, share experiences, and support each other’s growth. Subtopics of sessions are TBD

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